Some of us blend in better than others:
Not all of us are allowed to go out into the yard. But even Dandy and Dolly are big enough now to enjoy the pen, at least during the day, and under the supervision of their mother, Tess (CLICK these pictures to enlarge them):
Inside we have lots of fun too.
Dandy and Dolly particularly enjoy relaxing on the towers in the family room:
Tootsie decides to join them:
Yes, Tess and the kittens are now full members of our Clowder. In fact, with the usual exception - Summer and Farah, who remain enemies even after living together for more than four years now - all of us are getting along well together:
We all enjoy playing on the stairs that lead up to Toy Corner and Bag Alley:
Taffy rides the rails!
Both downstairs and up, there are so many toys, and so little time:
In Toy Corner, Hershey calls for a brief Time Out:
But in Bag Alley, Dolly and Dandy play on, despite Farah's attempts to defend the bags from their predations:
Farah works SO hard at appearing to be SO ferocious, we call her our Cat-Bear!
But none of us take her seriously. In these next pictures, Taffy and Natasha enter Bag Alley, undeterred by Farah's yowling and growling:
Speaking of Natasha, she was diagnosed a few months ago as having food allergies. Since then, Pat has been making special food for her, based on recipes that Pat got at the vet clinic and online.
Nasha is not always happy with what she finds - or doesn't find - in her bowls:
"Now That was Tasty!" |
The rest of us are watching our diets more carefully, too. Dolly checks to make sure that Pat's coffee is decaffeinated:
Other news:
Dolly and Dandy are getting SO big, and Tess has enjoyed being their mom SO much, that she wants to do it all over again, by having another litter!
At least, that's what she has been telling us, very loudly, for the past few nights. And since she is such a beautiful girl, potential beaus have been lining up in the back yard, to the disgust of Summer, Hershey, and Boris, the resident males who are responsible for defending the property.
Fortunately, Tess has an appointment with the vet next week. Natasha, our only other resident Mom, has been assuring Tess that everything will work out well. Dolly will be going along to keep her Mom company, and Dandy will have his own appointment a few days later.
We are all determined to help them rest up!